The Northlake-Mandeville Rotary Club hosted its 25th Sunday with Scholars event at Beau Chene Country Club on April 30. This annual banquet and meeting serves as a major fundraiser for the $12,000 Rotary scholarships the group awarded to three distinguished scholars from the Mandeville area. The scholars were Emma Lockwood-Northlake Christian, Sita Baham-Mandeville High, Raina Generose-Lakeshore High. The scholarships are paid to colleges of the recipients' choice in $1,500 semester installments over four years. The students will attend at least two Northlake-Mandeville Rotary Club meetings a year to keep members informed about their studies and college experiences.
In addition, the Club awarded three $1,000 scholarships. The Anthony and Hope Martin Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Julia Case - St Sholastica. The Rotary Select Scholarship was awarded to Claire Kurucar - Mandeville High. Trent Murchison, a former scholarship winner, has elected to repay his $8,000 scholarship has awarded $1,000 to Kylie Michot, a current scholar who completed her undergraduate degree at Louisiana Tech and is entering Pharmacy school.
At the Banquet sponsors, local officials, guidance counselors, principals and parents of the scholars participated in a wonderful Silent Auction.
A highlight of the evening was an update on their past semester by current scholars Andrew Beshenich, Natalie Lovell, Trevor Fortier, Lauren Lacoste, Celeste Guidry, Isabella Kerth, and Emma Santiago.
Pictured above are Rotary Foundation President Larry Burch, Scholarship Selection Committee Co-Chairs Laurie Pennison and Doug Place.