Each year Northlake Mandeville Rotarians donate dictionaries to each of the Mandeville and Madisonville Third Graders.  Last year we were not able to enter the schools due to COVID, so this year we are donating dictionaries to the Fourth Graders as well.
Presenting dictionaries above is a team composed of Rotarian and St Tammany School Board member Matt Greene and Rotarian Jay Capouch.  Each team tells their students about  Rotary International and the Four Way Test of Rotary.  They then discuss what it means to "Serve."  This is followed by helping the students learn to look up words in their dictionary.  
In 2022, 15 Rotarians distributed 2600 dictionaries to 3rd and 4th graders at 13 elementary schools.
Although dictionaries are available on the internet, many teachers tell us they integrate the dictionaries into their class work.  Some of the teachers conduct races to see which of their students can look up words the fastest.  The teachers also tell us that the many of the students cherish having their own book.