On April 22, 2022, the Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club announced its 2022 Scholarship winners and celebrated with several of its past winners. The "Sunday With Scholars" event was held at the Beau Chene Country Club. This collage shows the two 2022 Scholarship winners, Natalie Lovell and Andrew Beshenich, and our new $1,000 Scholarship winner for 2022, Stephen Guidry. Each of the three spoke about their achievements and aspirations and are shown speaking next to the Rotary banner. Each of the past winners gave an update on their achievements from this Spring semester and their plans for the next semester. The collage above also shows several Rotarians, Sponsors, and Distinguished Guests, all of whom attended the Dinner and Silent Auction. A more detailed explanation of the event can be found two stories down in this web site tab.