On Saturday, August 20, 2022, five members of the Northlake Mandeville Rotary club joined 60 other Rotarians from each of the clubs in District 6840 at the Rotary Building in Ponchatoula, Louisiana, for the Vibrant Club Conference. Shown are Tom Quinn, Ken McAuliffe, Jeanne Schramm, Doug Place, and Bob Mathews. Speakers led inter-active discussions on how to Attract new members and how to Retain members. Tom Quinn, as Assistant District Governor for the Lake Territory, led two of the sessions!
Awards for the recent 2021-2022 Rotary year were distributed by Past District Governor, Bob Vaughn. For one of the awards, each club of the 49 clubs in the District nominate one of their members for the Club Builder award, which recognizes the member who has most contributed to the progress of their club. Three Rotarians each year are selected from the approximately 1800 Rotarians in the District. We are proud that Tom Quinn of our club, was chosen as one of only three in the entire District who had the most impact during 2021-2022. Congratulations, Tom!! Thank you for your zeal and all that you devote to our club!!