At the beginning of each Rotary year, each local Rotary club defines 15-18 goals to achieve over the coming year. If a club meets 15 of their goals, the club receives a Rotary Citation. Shown above is Tom Quinn, District Official, presenting the Rotary Citation to Marty Audiffred for the Club's performance during the 2022-2023 Rotary Year. Marty was club president during the year and Laurie Pennison (pictured on right) was the President-Elect. Both were the leaders who were instrumental in the club meeting 15 of the goals for the year, thus qualifying for the Citation.
One of the primary annual goals of each Rotary club is to perform community service. During the year, 34 Northlake Mandeville Rotary club members performed over 2,000 hours of community service on a variety of service projects, meeting one of the 15 goals.